Red coloured urine may be due to a number of causes. The reason for the red colour may be sue to as simple as even eating certain food substances or drinking coloured agents. But, on the other hand there may be certain serious illness without any other symptom or sign but only blood oozing out from the urinary tract.. Even concentrated urine after inadequate intake of fluids particularly after hard work or exercise there may be very small leakage of blood in the urine., Infection, inflammation can lead to leakage of blood urine. But, on the other hand there may be certain serious illness without any other symptom or sign but only blood oozing out from the urinary tract. any sore (raw area) in the kidneys, or the urinary tract . Even concentrated urine after But much worse this may be the earliest indication of cancer!
Hence, immediate urgent need to identify the cause of red coloured urine whether it is due to bleeding …All the facilities for the essential investigations to diagnose the cause of bleeding, such as urine tests, blood tests, X-rays CT scan are readily available at SB Hospital. After these necessary endoscopic test and appropriate treatmentare available.
