The rationale for IUI performed using husbands sperm is to overcome problems Such as acidic cervical ph, Good number of highly motile and morphologically normal sperms are deposited through a cannula (small tube) near the fundal region of uterus at the anticipated time of ovulation. This procedure is done after ascertaining that all other parameters are normal for the female. The success rates for pregnancy after IUI is much higher at SB Hospital ART centre as the procedure is done strictly as per norms at the most appropriate time of ovulation.
IUI – Husband’s sperms are used for insemination when there are problems in the female partner. On the other hand, If the partners sperms are of poor quality or if the partner has no sperms at all, donor sperms can be used for IUI after mutual consent of both partners.
Female factor : in about 30% patients the IUI is required because of problems in the female. Usual causes are:
Anatomical defects of vagina or cervix
hostile cervical mucus
-Pcos (obesity)
-Tubal blockage(Unilateral)
sexual dysfunction
Mild to moderate endometriosis
Endocrine anomalies
Chronic anovulatory menstrual cycle
MALE CASUES: in about 30% to 40% of patients certain problems in the male partner are responsible for failure to conceive.
Male tube blockage (any obstruction in the vas deference or epididymis) , usually following infection or injury. These patients under go surgical correction for removal of obstruction with fair results only.
Varicocele (stagnation of impure blood) in the blood vessels draining the testes and other scrotal. I can affect sperm production These patients also undergo surgery at SB Hospital with good results
Many patients with Oligo- astheno -terato zoospermia have good results after the above treatment.
In about 25% unexplained infertility ( No detectable cause)occurs.
In about 30 t0 40% Combination of male and female factors are responsible for failure to conceive. In these patients IUI is usually given as the first option as a trial. If not successful after a few attempts, then only other high tech procedures are given.